Oct 8, 2009


One of the problems with firefighting is that firefighters often run into burning buildings, without any idea if anyone is in trouble. I’m sure there are times in which firefighters have ran into empty burning buildings, only to have the structures collapse on top of them. It is always terrible when someone dies for nothing, but the Hoya Robot from South Korea could help cut down on needless deaths.
The Hoya is a rolling robot that resembles the Sony Rolly, and travels at one foot per second. It has a range of 54 yards, and can transmit images of what is inside. It also has onboard lights to illuminate its path, and it can check a burning building for temperature, smoke, and gas.
The Hoya can withstand temperatures of up to 320 degrees Fahrenheit, is water resistant, and can withstand drops of six feet. It can operate up to 30 minutes without charging.
The Hoya robot took two years to develop with help from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, and 50 fire stations in Korea are planned to receive 100 units for testing

1 comment:

  1. Hoya robot would save life of many firefighters.good news
