Nov 3, 2009

CanCam lets your soda do the watching

We at Coolest Gadgets are no stranger to seemingly ordinary items that conceal spy cameras. The most recent was the fake car key from Brando. This one is very unusual, as it is a can of Coke, something that I would never suspect would try to film me.
This CanCam has 4GB worth of memory to record VGA quality video that can support 15 hours of continuous recording. As you can see, the lens is located slightly below the logo.
The on and off switch is located underneath the can itself, as well as the record button. There is a USB port there to help charge the camera, and is presumably there to download the video footage as well. It even has a remote control for even more secrecy.
You could leave this on your desk all day and feel comfortable knowing that all the actions of your co-workers will be under surveillance. Unless someone comes and looks too close, no one will ever know.
Of course, I’m sure people will probably wonder why someone has the same Coke can on their desk 24/7. I can’t help but wonder if the weight of the CanCam feels the same as a full can of soda, because that could easily ruin the effect.
If you want to see it for yourself, the CanCam can be purchased at the China Grabber website for a price of about $61.99.

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